Whether you use a computer at work or at home, it is easy to lose track of time. General health & safety advice recommends that taking frequent breaks can reduce the chance of health problems such as eyestrain, Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI), neck and back pain. Healthy Hints will detect your periods of computer usage and recommend when a break is due.
FREE edition for personal, non-commercial use.
FREE trial available for commercial use.
Configuration is simple, just choose your preferred break frequency period, such as having a 5 minute rest every 55 minutes of work. Healthy Hints will then identify keyboard and mouse activity looking for a period of work and rests that matches your settings. If the specified rest time is not detected, periodic reminders for taking your break will appear. These reminders will appear every 5 minutes, but offers the ability to suspended these notifications or restart your work period.
* Supports Windows 7, Vista, XP, Windows Server 2008 & Windows Server 2003.
* Customize your recommended work and break durations.
* Receive a 5 star achievement rating for keeping to your settings.
* Add Planned Breaks for times of the day you are likely to take a break, such as lunch or home time.
* Option to suspend further break reminders.
* Access additional health and safety information about using computers, such as other environmental factors to consider including sitting posture and lighting.
* Commercial Branding allows you to customize the main screen with your organization's identity and health & safety information.
* Special Eco Mode option simplifies user-interface and reduces program system requirements; this can lead to quicker start-up times and reduced power usage.
* Group Policy configuration ability for commercial environments.
* Digitally signed product gives better Windows integration and gives you the peace of mind that the software is legitimate and has not been tampered with.